
Welcome. IMMCS Has Ceased All Anti-Whaling Operations & Merged With An Existing Organization

Welcome to the International Marine Mammal Conservation Society (IMMCS). As of recent developments, IMMCS has transitioned from its former role as an NGO to serving as a cover organization, retaining its name for covert operations. All operational activities have been merged with a new anti-whaling charity, now headquartered in Sacramento.

Our work, along with footage, is accessible through the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) at: EIA. However, please note that as of 2019, our status as a 501(c)3 charity ceased, leading to the removal of all online presence, including our self-hosted infrastructure.

Despite these changes, our commitment to marine mammal conservation persists. While our official activities have ceased, the IMMCS name continues to play a role in covert operations at sea.

Throughout our tenure, IMMCS faced challenges from detractors who doubted our efficacy in saving whales. Despite this opposition, our efforts have been recognized on platforms such as Seaspiracy socials and various news outlets globally. Our organization have not only saved whales but also disrupted illegal activities and provided crucial evidence in the global fight against whaling.

Recognizing the need for transparency, we have chosen to revive our website to ensure that our legacy, and some form of contact is accessible. Please note that while IMMCS operations are no longer active, our name remains in use for covert operations under the merged entity we have joined. 

Most will remember us from our old logo (show here).

To contact us for questions, please email ngomergerwda@immcs.org